Thursday, October 4, 2007

The power of release...

As I watch the swing go out so high it nearly become even with the ground...

"Higher daddy!" Our three year old daughter (Morgan) says...

I watch as her blond hair blows back with the gentle breeze...

the temperature is as flawless as the ocean blue of Morgan's eyes...

She says - I'm not supposed to say "what the heck" at school anymore. They said that was a bad word."

I say "are you sure it was not the context you used it in?"

(This does not seem like something you would say to a three year old, but then you have not met Morgan. She completely understands this sentence)

"Maybe" she says

"Daddy, I cried today at school" she adds (she's in preschool)

"Why did you cry today?" I ask

"Because I was in time out" she says (head down now)

"What did you do that you were in timeout?" I ask

"I pushed Ore into the blue house" she admits

"Why did you push her?" I ask

"I don't know" she says

"Are you sure you don't know why?" I ask

"Yes, I don't know why I did it. I just did it." she says

"Do you understand that what you did was wrong?"

"Yes, I know" she says with her head down

" I will not do it again." She says

I am not going to add more to compound her own "self punishment" for what she did. You can see on her face that she was really sorry for what she did.

She is a very good child who rarely gets into any trouble at all.

We are doing out best to teach her to share and get along with all people...

Not every moment will be perfect...

You can but show positive examples of peace by your actions...

even this is no guarantee that your child will follow them...

My wife and I show her unconditional love...

as we show this to each other...

she has never seen us in ten years of being together, we have not found a reason to argue...

Morgan is getting this at home...

But we have no control what she will learn from society...

Think for a moment that you do have control of this, and you are causing yourself great stress...

You can but be that change that you want to see in the world...

and release your need to control the end result...

releasing your need to control what already is - is more powerful than you can imagine...

it is the first step in your path to peace...

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