Friday, September 28, 2007
in peace of now...
Some fight for it...
others dream about it...
most see it as unreachable...
Some feel they will experience it when they die...
very few realize they can have it at any moment...
it is never found in the future...
it is never achieved by rehashing the past...
it is achieved in this very moment of NOW...
when a hundred percent of your focus is held on the current moment peace is found...
when you shift back to thoughts of past or future - peace is lost...
you can never achieve peace in the future or past...
you can only have it NOW...
this present moment is priceless, and eternal, yet you miss it as you focus on the future or past...
when will you open your present?
tis a gift that you will treasure beyond time...
for it is the only moment that is outside of time...
this moment where peace is found...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Atheist's are right!
I awake this morning with the thought of a shift...
A positive shift to a love that is not thought much about...
A love that is based in God...
No, not the "ego God" that's a wrathful, vengeful, jealous God...Atheist's are right about this God...
This is a made up God...
This "God" is made up from "human ego" fear...
This wrathful, vengeful, jealous God was then, and is now still made up by man...
This God has a man made purpose to control the thoughts, feelings and actions of people...
To herd people into a specific belief, and keep them there based in fear...
They care not, that this continued instilling of fear keeps them from knowing this made up God...
In fact "human ego" counts on you believing in this fake God of wrath...
It counts on you not asking these questions:
How can GOD be unconditional love - and punish me if I do something wrong at the same time? Isn't "judgment and punishment", and "unconditional love" complete opposites? How could GOD be both if unconditional love is really unconditional?
Is GOD perfect, and if so why is these so much bloodshed and violence in the world?
If there is a GOD how could he let children be molested, or let them starve, or suffer through illness, let little one's be killed?
If GOD is perfect then how could he create anything that wasn't perfect, such as me, I have lots of flaws?
Was Jesus Christ really GOD's only true son? If so, then what does that make me? Where do I fit into that?
I will be answering these questions, and any more you may have, in next series of posts.
The kind of love I am talking about has nothing to do with a made up God...
A man made God is not capable of this kind of love...
human ego made up this fake God...
Human ego has forgotten the meaning of the words - unconditional love...
I'm talking about the real God...
I'm talking about the real love...
The kind that is with out any conditions...
Almost everyone I know has had at least one experience in their life that they felt a love so wonderfully overwhelming that the moment they felt this is for ever etched in their hearts...
That is but a glimpse of the love that I am speaking of...
This love is not outside of you...
But deep down in your heart...
It is the root of your heart...
Unconditional love is what is left when you let go of all the fear that you placed on top of that love...
Each layer of fear you release brings you closer to truth...
There is a real God...
The journey is priceless...
A love with absence of fear...
A dance - with a love without condition...
May I have this next dance?
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
frozen bliss...
I am watching my mind as I type...
I am observing it innocently as I am waiting for my next thought to come...
I am still waiting...
as the "I am" is gone...
there is no more "I"
enjoying the stillness of being present...
just being...
eternal bliss frozen in a timeless moment...
frozen bliss...
Movie Review - Peaceful Warrior

Peaceful Warrior is a 2006 American film, starring Scott Mechlowicz, Nick Nolte and Amy Smart.
The film takes place at U.C. Berkeley, also known as Cal, and features a troubled, but talented gymnast (Mechlowicz) who meets a spiritual guide (Nolte).
"An inspiring film that could change lives" - Sting
"This film will impact the course of your life forever" - Tony Robbins
"Power and Moving" - Pet Hammond
"Like Rocky for the Soul" - Straw Weisman
"Experiencing more joy on your journey of life, this film may bring..." - Yoda
I might as well address the controversy first, so here goes...
Released on June 2, 2006 this movie is based on the novel Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman.
Director Victor Salva first became familiar with the work while in prison for child molestation, and he credits it with being "a story that changed my life."
There are a good many people give Salva shit about his past mistake in life, and feel he should not be allow to direct again.
Yes, they have the shovels in pitchforks in hand, ready to kill, and bury him for his past...
I say "if you going to make big mistakes in life, learn from them, and do something positive for society."
In my opinion:
Doing a fantastic job of directing very positive movie for society such as the "Peaceful Warrior" - is a good start...
My rating:
I give this movie an over all 10 out of 10!
The novel "Way of the Peaceful Warrior" is beautifully told in this movie!
The acting is first rate, the casting of the roles is close to perfection!
Directing is fantastic!
As the characters are lead to experience living the roles -
You can really feel what each and every character is feeling in this movie!
Everyone gives a totally believable, and very powerful performance! Both my thumbs way up!
Cinematography, lighting and special effects are all very well done!
It is such a refreshing joy to see a mainstream movie, very well done, that really teaches powerful lessons about life!
This movie really shows a path from - self centered EGO identification - to learning, and living a life of mindfulness...
This movie really helps viewers to learn some of the steps to have a greater joy in the journey of life...
My wife and I really enjoyed this movie!
Upon talking to people about it, those who have seen it also loved it!
I highly recommend renting this DVD!
Perhaps your whole family can enjoy watching this wonderful movie together?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
thank you for your patience
She's three and a half years old...
She's - a girly-girl...
Will wear nothing but dresses.
Loves jewelry!
Loves to have her nails painted.
and loves to shop!
Morgan is visiting her Grandma Weir.
Grandma asks if she want to go shopping.
Morgan is excited to go shopping with her grandma!
They stop at a yard sale.
There is a plastic McDonald's drive through window, electronic cash register- that is a working cash drawer to ring up orders...and other stuff for the drive though...burgers and all the stuff that they sell there.
Morgan loves it, so her grandma buys it for her...
Back at the house,
Its now play time!
(keep in mind - Morgan has been though a fast food drive though only a few times in her life, and that was when she was very young)
My mom is by where you place your order...
she orders her food...
Morgan says "The lines are very long today, thank you for your patience..."
My mom about pissed herself laughing!
Children bring so many wonderful moments of laughter...
Sharing those moments is truly a priceless experience...
I can remember back last Christmas when Morgan got her kitchen.
She is using it for the first time. She cooks me a burger and fries...
I say "thank you Morgan" and proceed to act as though I'm putting the burger in my mouth.
Morgan's eyes get huge - and she screams "DADDY DON'T EAT THAT - IS PLASTIC!!!!
I'm laughing so hard tears and streaming down my face,
with her arms crossed, head tilted with a little grin, she has a satisfied look on her face as if to say "Saved his life today - I did!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
for it is all that is real...
buzzing sound do their wings make...
venom do they transfer on their stingers...
held captive was my office for two days...
yellow jackets were nesting in the wall and come up though the vent...
over twenty at a time held my office and my computer captive for the past two days...
in full length white suits, with air masks and protective netting - were the bee experts...
who lost?
yellow jackets lost their lives...
client's lost getting their issues worked through faster...
over $960 in lost wages...
yet, as I take my attention to my heart - it is unchanged...
unconditional love is all that is there...
a smile deep within that can't help but surface...
for this love is all that is real...
no events can shake it...
no, time lost - can take it...
for it is all that is is real...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
with little - comes big...
Morgan's her name...
She's three and a half, and our first child...
A teacher and a student she is...
She has an amazing way of observing not only life, but "herself" in life...
- "I will be shy for a little bit when I get to school today" she says
- "If you are planning on being shy, then you control the shyness?" I ask.
- "Sure I do" she says
- "At times I do feel a little scared" she adds
- "What is it your scared of?" I ask
- "The other kids, but just at first" as she turns her head and smiles
I could see as I look though her eyes, it's eyes of the other children upon her as she enters preschool. It's that feeling of judgment that is the scared feeling. That feeling of being different, and knowing they do not see you the same.
We are teaching her about her ability to feel peoples emotions. It is very strong with her. We are doing our best to teach her compassion though this.
There is a little boy who used to bother her because he picked on her, and all the other little kids.
He is the class bully. Always in timeout.
I had her feel what he was feeling inside.
She said "He does not feel good about himself, he's scared." Morgan smiled and understood.
It is because of how he feels that he acts in ways that hurts others.
About a week after this the little boy and his daddy show up at the public park that we play at.
He runs over to Morgan and says "Hi!" they play together and have a lot of fun.
The class bully is understood, and a friendship is forged...
on the way home Morgan asks if we can invite him to the house sometime to play.
I say "Sure we can"
No more do I hear "he was real mean today"
To understand, and then share...
with a little understanding friendships are forged...
acceptance happens...
our children are the future...
Gently guide them to understand one another now, so that friendships may be their future...
It is only thought lack of understanding "each other" that arguments, fights, and wars are fought...
with a little understanding - comes big friendship...
Perhaps you can begin with the next person you meet...
Monday, September 17, 2007
dual green lights...
dual green lights…
yes, I have a new fondness for side impact air bags!
it's around 10:00am...
the light turns green, I pull out turning left…
i cannot see what is coming down the hill…
i am now trusting that any vehicle coming down the hill will obey the traffic signal…
a flash of a large black object enters my peripheral vision…
it is coming fast…
real fast…
and is heading right for my door…
as if in slow motion a slight screech and a large bang…
my head bounces off a white pillow that was not there a moment ago…
like billowy cloud this pillow cradles my body from the impact of the SUV that just "T" boned me…
i am thankful that I am not hurt in the accident that demolishes my car…
the woman tells the police that she is late for a doctor’s appointment, but that her light was green the whole time…
i smile as just recently I changed my insurance from full coverage to liability only...
it’s green light - vs - green light with no witnesses…
although we have conflicting stories about what just happened, we are very nice to one another…
we talk, laugh and become brief friends…
despite the dual green lights…
Sunday, September 16, 2007
this moment...
This moment as your eyes read these words...
yes, this is a priceless moment...
as every one of your senses heighten with each word that you read...
your heart beats faster and faster...
your excitement builds...
for in this very moment you notice each color and texture of everything your eyes gently rest upon...
for in this moment every sound is so crisp, so amazingly clear...
you are awakening in this moment of NOW...
your heart slows NOW...and feels peaceful...
bath in the peace of this eternal moment...
drink in the NOW...
share the love that you are in this moment...
Friday, September 14, 2007
and I sentence you to...
Have you ever noticed that with gavel in hand, you sentence everything to three categories?
You will place everything into either "Good", "Bad" or "Neutral" depending on how you feel about that which is in front of you.
Your judgment of "that which is in front of you" is based on your past experience of that person, place or thing, or something similar to it.
with me so far?
The problem with this is that to judge anything as good, bad or neutral you must stop the energy of it first.
Where do you stop this energy of this person, place or thing that you are now judging?
Inside you...
Yes, "inside you" have stopped this energy...
Now since energy's natural tendency is to move...
and since we have done the unnatural thing of stopping energy inside us...
Huston, we have a problem...
the natural flow of energy, or "balance inside you" is now blocked by your judgment of this energy...
Oh, crap, now what do I do?
First see, feel or experience all people, places or things are just - an energy...
It helps me to imagine all energy's as being a beautiful black Spanish wild stallion that is running free...
you can feel it's wonderful spirit as it runs with the wind blowing - it's mane flowing behind it...
perhaps you can even feel the freedom of this wonderful beauty of nature as it runs - flowing with nature...
Now realize that if you judge anything you are grabbing that wild stallion "energy" and wrestling it to the ground inside you. You are tying it up, and taking away it's freedom...
Would you ever do this to this wonderful animal of energy?
all these "wild stallion energy's" should enter you - be allowed to flow though you - and exit free back into the universe...
When you do this...
Peace happens...
Freedom happens...
Will you imprison this wonderful free wild stallion? or will you put down your gavel and flow with life?
Will you accept pain or freedom?
You have the ability to choose in every moment...
What will you choose to do now?
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
the gliding ship
the gliding ship
someone who is not yet familiar to you...
how many stories might they have to share...
your eyes meet, do you put your head down, or turn away...
or do you hold your head high and smile...
what might happen next...
if you want nothing from them...
and you are willing to share all with them...
magic happens...
when a stranger feels acceptance from you...
they let their guard down...
they share - as you share...
all of the sudden you realize they are now familiar to you...
a friendship is born...
feed it though love and acceptance and it will be a ship that never sinks...
it will glide a crossed the waters of life...
in love...
Movie Review - "Superbad"

It's a fly ball and it's's's gone! Sony hits an out of the park bases loaded grand slam home run with its new comedy "Superbad"!
In my humble opinion - this movie is so over the top that it makes the original "Animal House" look like a dull drama in comparison.
From the very first scene to the very end of the credits this movie never lets up! Every moment is hilarious!
The three stars that play the kids near the end of their high school year give amazing performances in their roles of geeks who are trying to get what they feel is acceptance before going to college.
This movie tells a deep story of friendship, acceptance and relationships as it has you belly laughing though out the whole movie!
This movie is strong with sexual situations, humor and language. If swearing with a purpose because "that is just how you are" offends you. Then you should see this movie for sure. You will be so desensitized by the end of the movie, that being offended should no longer be an issue for you. The movie can be quite therapeutic in that respect. I loved that they choose not to show any nudity in this movie, and did a much more graphic job of portraying the sexual situations with no visual nudity than most movies that show it.
I have seen many comedies at theaters and never heard a crowd laugh like they did at "Superbad"!
I the girl next to me was laughing so hard her face was red. There were a few times I had trouble catching my breath from laughing so hard. Tears were streaming down my face!
In my 40 years of being in this life - Superbad is "by far" - the funniest movie I have ever seen!
Two thumbs way up!
Directed by | |||
Greg Mottola | |||
Writing credits(WGA) | ||
Seth Rogen | (written by) & | |
Evan Goldberg | (written by) |
Cast (in credits order)
![]() | Jonah Hill | ... | Seth |
![]() | Michael Cera | ... | Evan |
![]() | Christopher Mintz-Plasse | ... | Fogell |
![]() | Bill Hader | ... | Officer Slater |
![]() | Seth Rogen | ... | Officer Michaels |
![]() | Martha MacIsaac | ... | Becca |
![]() | Emma Stone | ... | Jules |
![]() | Aviva Farber | ... | Nicola |
![]() | Joe Lo Truglio | ... | Francis the Driver |
![]() | Kevin Corrigan | ... | Mark |
![]() | Clement Blake | ... | Homeless Guy (as Clement E. Blake) |
![]() | Erica Vittina Phillips | ... | Mindy, Liquor Store Cashier |
![]() | Joe Nunez | ... | Liquor Store Clerk (as Joseph A. Nunez) |
![]() | Dave Franco | ... | Greg the Soccer Player |
![]() | Marcella Lentz-Pope | ... | Gabby |
![]() | Scott Gerbacia | ... | Jesse (as Scottie Gerbacia) |
![]() | Laura Seay | ... | Shirley |
![]() | Roger Iwata | ... | Miroki |
![]() | Clint Mabry | ... | Prosthetic Leg Kid |
![]() | Stacy Edwards | ... | Evan's Mom |
![]() | Mark Rogen | ... | Father with Bat |
![]() | Charlie Hartsock | ... | Good Shopper Cashier |
![]() | Donna Hardy | ... | Old Lady |
![]() | Charley Rossman | ... | Good Shopper Security |
![]() | Carla Gallo | ... | Period Blood Girl |
![]() | Ben Best | ... | Quince Danbury |
![]() | Jody Hill | ... | Tut Long John Silver |
![]() | Kevin Breznahan | ... | Patrick Manchester |
![]() | David Krumholtz | ... | Benji Austin |
![]() | Mousa Kraish | ... | Billy Baybridge |
![]() | Nicholas Jasenovec | ... | Coffee Fairmount |
![]() | Martin Starr | ... | James Masselin |
![]() | Keith Loneker | ... | Wild Bill Cherry (as Keith Joseph Loneker) |
![]() | Matthew McKane | ... | Kane Cloverdale |
![]() | Lauren Miller | ... | Scarlett Brighton |
![]() | Peter Salett | ... | Tiger Greendragon |
![]() | Rakefet Abergel | ... | Muffin Selby |
![]() | Brooke Dillman | ... | Mrs. Hayworth |
![]() | Michael Naughton | ... | Gym Teacher |
![]() | Steve Bannos | ... | Math Teacher |
![]() | Casey Margolis | ... | Young Seth |
![]() | Laura Marano | ... | Young Becca |
![]() | Matthew Bass | ... | Vagtastic Voyager |
![]() | Aurora Snow | ... | Vagtastic Voyage Girl #1 |
![]() | Ted Haigh | ... | Bartender |
![]() | Jenna Haze | ... | Vagtastic Voyage Girl #2 |
![]() | Michael Fennessey | ... | Bus Driver |
![]() | Brian Huskey | ... | Elementary Principal |
![]() | Clark Duke | ... | Party Teenager #1 |
![]() | Stephen Borrello IV | ... | Party Teenager #2 |
![]() | Naathan Phan | ... | Party Teenager #3 |
![]() | Pamella D'Pella | ... | Teacher |
rest of cast listed alphabetically: | |||
![]() | Amanda Zubillaga | ... | Dancing Party Girl |
![]() | Chelsey Dailey | ... | Pepsi Cheyenne (uncredited) |
Produced by | |||
Judd Apatow | .... | producer | |
Evan Goldberg | .... | executive producer | |
Shauna Robertson | .... | producer | |
Seth Rogen | .... | executive producer | |
Original Music by | |||
Lyle Workman | |||
Cinematography by | |||
Russ T. Alsobrook | |||