Friday, September 7, 2007

When is it OK to allow fear to publicly override profession?

Last night John Craig - who is a professional photographer and owner of Craig Photography
was doing night scape shots of Pittsburgh which he sells as art.

Today John posted a very disturbing post on his blog which you can now read about here

OK, let me fill you in on something you need to know about night photography - unless you’re going for a super high grain look by kicking up your ISO to the light speed limit – (with a Scottish accent) “Captain, I can’t push her any faster – she’s braking up”

Braking up is exactly what will happen to the quality of your pictures when you are forced to push the digital negative beyond where no man has really ever wanted to go before.

It is impossible to get quality night shots of the city without high grain if you do not have a tripod. That is a fact.

Now - I know John very well. He is one of the most non-violent people I know.

So we have John - a non-violent person with no criminal record, who is doing his chosen profession - Photography - who owns a photography company - Craig Photography - Who sells these pictures as art to feed his wife and small child...

John - Is the above statement true and correct to the best of your knowledge?

I would say you should write a nice article for the Pittsburgh Post Gazette on how the Pittsburgh Police Department interfered with your ability to legally make money to feed your wife and daughter. I would include a nice picture of your daughter with the article. "Are we going to allow fear to take food out of the mouth of this child?" Yea, I'd say that's a good title for your article.

If you had got their statements - to you - in writing, I would say you would have a pretty good court case.

So now - When is enough - enough?

Pretty soon the elderly will not be allowed to use waking sticks as they can be used as weapons, they will have to switch to wheeled walker too heavy for them to pick up and beat someone with.

Two years ago I was stopped by security guard in a mall. I had to have me erase all my footage I shot with my new Cannon GL2 video camera as it was a security risk - (I could have been gathering intelligence to blow up the mall) I had just got the video camera and wanted to see how well it would tape in different lighting conditions.

Now my question to you is - When is it OK to allow fear to publicly override profession?

Are we just going to allow fear to continue to run our lives, or are we as a people going to say "enough is enough!"

If we continue to allow fear to run our lives then terrorism has really already won...

they will have accomplished exactly what they set out to do...

forget killing you physically - to take away your laughter and joy - only to replace it with fear?

Is having to live in fear really living, or is it just existing?

Will you sit back and allow this,

or will you stand up and say "enough is enough"?

Do your rights mean anything to you?

Will you write to your elected officials and say "I am not going to stand up for our rights being taken away out of your fear!"

Or will you sit on your couch and watch it happen?

Will you choose to tell your elected officials that you choose not to have to live in a state of fear where more of your rights are taken away out of fear?

Or do you like living in a state of fear?

What will you do next?

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