Saturday, September 22, 2007

for it is all that is real...

yellow and black are their bottoms...

buzzing sound do their wings make...

venom do they transfer on their stingers...

held captive was my office for two days...

yellow jackets were nesting in the wall and come up though the vent...

over twenty at a time held my office and my computer captive for the past two days...

in full length white suits, with air masks and protective netting - were the bee experts...

who lost?

yellow jackets lost their lives...

client's lost getting their issues worked through faster...

over $960 in lost wages...

yet, as I take my attention to my heart - it is unchanged...

unconditional love is all that is there...

a smile deep within that can't help but surface...

for this love is all that is real...

no events can shake it...

no, time lost - can take it...

for it is all that is is real...

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