Friday, September 28, 2007

in peace of now...


Some fight for it...

others dream about it...

most see it as unreachable...

Some feel they will experience it when they die...

very few realize they can have it at any moment...

it is never found in the future...

it is never achieved by rehashing the past...

it is achieved in this very moment of NOW...

when a hundred percent of your focus is held on the current moment peace is found...

when you shift back to thoughts of past or future - peace is lost...

you can never achieve peace in the future or past...

you can only have it NOW...

this present moment is priceless, and eternal, yet you miss it as you focus on the future or past...

when will you open your present?

tis a gift that you will treasure beyond time...

for it is the only moment that is outside of time...

this moment where peace is found...

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