Thursday, November 15, 2007

Books? Yea baby!

Can You Spell Bibliophile?

November 13th, 2007 by Richard Cockrum

Do you like books. I like books. I like the smell of old paper. I like the feel of the binding as it rests in my hand while I (click here to read the rest of Ricks post)

My wife, daughter and I all love books.

My reading started when I was very young. I read mostly books on science and human behavior. Eventually my interest shifted to spirituality.

I never knew the fun and adventure you can have in fiction books. My wife turned me onto reading sci-fi and fantasy. It was a wonderful escape into a world of imagination. I read some of David Eddings books which I enjoyed.

My wife and I read the whole Harry Potter series together. Awesome character development there. Get you to care about the characters as if they were your own kids. Very enjoyable reading!

Here is my replies to Rick's Questions:

How many books do I have?

We have just over a thousand books in our home.

What’s the last book I read?

"The Biology of Belief" by Bruce Lipton on Audio book. This is a fantastic book that bridges the science of biology and our thoughts, beliefs and outer world (signals) that choose which DNA blueprints will be not only be selected, but how they will be read.

It blows the old gene theory of predetermination by our inherited genes right out of the water!

If you have ever asked the question why is the body the way that it is?

Buy, and listen to this book! This is one you really want on audio book.

What’s the last book I bought?

Zen in the Art of Archery by Eugen Herrigel. I have not had the chance to read it yet. So no reviews yet.

Five (plus one) Meaningful Books

1. The Celestine Prophecy - by James Redfield - This is the great adventure into beginning spiritual concepts in an Indiana Jones style of fun

2. The Power of NOW - On audio book - I highly suggest getting the audio book of this book. This is a wonderful beginning into deeper spiritual concepts. I have now recommended this book to over a thousand different people and only one out of all of them did not finish it because they did not like it.

3. The Disappearance of the Universe - by Gary Renard - If you have ever said just give me the answers. Just hit me over the head with them. Then this book is for you. Read it to the very end without judgment then go back and read it again. Then buy the audio book and listen to that too. I have recommended this book to hundreds of people who have loved it. It is a very profound - but easy read.

4. Your Immortal Reality - by Gary Renard - Go deeper into the practice of the first book. Both books are a wonderful foundation to the next book on my list of must reads. They are all about this next book.

5. A Course in Miracles - published by a Foundation for Inner Peace - Just as the bible was a spiritual guide for people many, many generations back when it was first wrote. It was of course, wrote for people of that time period in their spiritual evolution.

You know when people where young in their spirituality and thought God can be perfect and judging at the same time.

When they thought that God could be unconditionally loving yet judging and wrathful at the same time.

When you think about how God is described in the Bible its as if he was a toddler. Happy one moment, and throwing a temper tantrum the next. Jealous because he did not get his way and acting out as a result of this.

It was wrote for the people of that time period. Like most books written in the past. It still has some good things to say that apply now too.

A Course in Miracles is written for our generation. Was it divinely inspired? Just read a few pages and you be the judge.

It is the most profound spiritual work of art that I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing.

Yes, it is an actual experience in discovering who you are as spirit. It is a systematic stripping away of who you are not. To embrace who you really are and discover the true meaning of the word peace.

It addresses who your not, (your ego mind) in attempt to bring you to who you are - That timeless eternal spirit created by God in all your glory.

It is a path to awakening now.

It is by far the best book I have ever read.

I am currently sharing and teaching a class in A Course in Miracles - It is a wonderful experience beyond words.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad to see you join in, Michael. I've never read any of these. Every time I hear about The Biology of Belief I say I want to read that, but somehow don't get to it. I'm going to make the time this time.