Monday, November 19, 2007

Fun with shopping!

While I was grocery shopping I focused on the love in the hearts of each and every person my eyes fell upon.

I felt sadness and hurt with some people, others were very guarded...

I focus deeper beyond that hurt, beyond those wall and shields...

I focus deep inside their hearts to a love that is beyond all hurts...beyond all need for protection, for this love is timeless and eternal, and can never be taken away...

Then I met their eyes and smiled at them...

As this store was very big, and very crowded their were many people who I did this with.

People smiled back...

Some said "Hi"...

Some even stopped and talked to me as if they have known me all their life...

Some seemed busy and upset, till our eyes met...

Then they seemed to forget what they were upset about, and started smiling...

how simple it is to see the beauty in each and every person on a walk though a store...

How simple it is to bring joy by seeing the love in everyone...

Will your next shopping trip be boring, or will it be an experience to remember?

Will you experience the joy as you recognize it in others?

Will you share it with a stranger?

Will you experience that they are not really a stranger after all...

Will you smile today?


Unknown said...

Beautiful what we can find if we just look and open ourselves up.

Michael R Weir said...

agreed my brother!

I have learned it does not take much but the willingness to see beauty...

To find it in another is to discover it in yourself at the same time.

It's all good!