Monday, November 19, 2007

The path to one...

IN the November 17th post of Shards of Conscoiusness

If We Were One

November 17th, 2007 by Richard Cockrum

If I gave you love,
spoke the secret of my heart
would you share my dreams?
Would you...

Click here to read the rest.

Rick, you do not have to do a thing,

by you simply being who you are, that is enough to awaken our one soul...

I do love your poem though (big smile)

The path to one...

If we were one I would smile right now - as I am smiling...

If we were one in this dream of life I could;

feel a tree rooted and grounded, yet who's branches sway with the caress of wind... a tree silently observing what we call life...

think of someone water skiing and feel all the sensations of water skiing...

think of someone racing a car and feel all those sensations too...

think of a mother and child and experience the love of birth...

know that I need for nothing material, as someone somewhere that we are one with has it...

take my attention to the wind flow, gently caressing all that I touch, swirling and flowing... stopping to take a breath, and flowing again...

walk down into a pyramid in Egypt...see the hieroglyphics of communication of that time...feel connected to them...

meditate with monks in Tibet...

These are all things that I have experienced on the path to peace...

These all show our connectedness, but still are but a step on your path to true oneness...

Oneness with separation, or oneness with a dream of being separate from God, is the first big experience on your path to knowing peace...

although a place of greater peace than where you perceive you currently is not the final not settle till you know God within...

Till you are able to see God in every "Shard of Consciousness" or person if you will...

I could take my attention to your heart...I could go beyond all the hurt to find a love that is timeless and eternal as the very spirit that it represents...I do...Do this with every person you meet...experience what you discover...

A wise monk once said "If you can't see God in the next person you meet, you need not look any further..."

Let this be your goal...

For truth of these words is yours now...


Unknown said...

You're on your way to being a good magician, Michael. But then, there isn't a lot of difference between a magician and a healer. :)

Michael R Weir said...

A healer has so much of what you have in your heart...

Which is a deep caring...

It's all good...